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List of All national fruits सभी राष्ट्रीय फलो के नाम

List of national fruits

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This list of national fruits is arranged alphabetically by country. Some national fruits are officially designated, some are unofficial. National fruits

CountryCommon nameScientific namePictureNotes
 AfghanistanPomegranatePunica granatumPomegranate.jpg
 ArmeniaApricotPrunus armeniacaApricot.jpg[1]
 AustriaAppleMalus domesticaRed Apple.jpg[2]
 AzerbaijanPomegranatePunica granatumGranatäpfel.JPG[3]
 BangladeshJackfruitArtocarpus heterophyllusJackfruit hanging.JPG[4]Jack Fruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh and is widely cultivated in tropical regions of Bangladesh.
 CambodiaChicken egg banana
(chek pong moan in Khmer)
Musa aromaticaBananas dsc07803.jpg[5]
 Central African RepublicBananaMusa acuminata,
Musa balbisiana,
or Musa paradisiaca
 ChinaFuzzy kiwifruitActinidia deliciosaKiwi aka.jpg[7]
JujubeZiziphus zizyphusJujube mure.jpg[8]
 ColombiaBorojóAlibertia patinoiBorojó Fruto.jpg[9][failed verification]
CurubaPassiflora mollissima (P. tarminiana
and P. tripartita var. mollissima)
Curuba.jpg[9][failed verification]
 CubaMameyPouteria sapotaARS- Pouteria sapota.jpg[10]
 GermanyAppleMalus domesticaRed Apple.jpg[11]
 IndiaMangoMangifera indicaAn unripe mango in jaffna.JPG[12]
 IranPomegranatePunica granatumGranatäpfel.JPG[13]
 JamaicaAckeeBlighia sapidaAckee 001.jpg[14]
 JapanJapanese persimmonDiospyros kakiThreekakifruit-cutopen.jpg[15]
 MalaysiaRambutanNephelium lappaceumAlthough rambutan is the officially recognized national fruit of Malaysia, the durian is more recognized by visitors of the country.
 SerbiaPlumprunusSlivka.JPGPlum and its products are of great importance to Serbs and part of numerous customs.[16] A saying goes that the best place to build a house is where a plum tree grows best.[16] The fertile region of Šumadija in central Serbia is particularly known for its plums and Šljivovica, the national drink.[17]
 SeychellesCoco de merLodoicea
 Sri LankaJackfruitArtocarpus heterophyllusJackfruit hanging.JPG[18]
 SpainGrapeVitis viniferaCabernet Sauvignon Gaillac.jpgThere are over 400 varietals of grapes that are grown in Spain for wine production.
 South KoreaAsian PearPyrus pyrifoliaThere are other national fruits of South Korea such as Persimmons and Apples.
